News and Press Releases

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Marketing Logic offers anti-crisis tools for businesses

In the conditions of reduced demand, restrictions, and declining profits, the most important tool is the management of business optimization, in order to cut off excess and increase the efficiency of the main thing.... learn more

MarkLab is a new convenient platform for data markup

The analytical company Marketing Logic has developed a multifunctional data markup platform MarkLab. The service allows you to mark up graphics, text images, as well as audio and video data in a convenient project and team management interface.... learn more

RSUTS students defended their research papers based on the Atlas ML platform

Three scientific works prepared on the basis of the Atlas geoinformation system are protected at the Russian state University of tourism and service. Students explored the possibilities of geo-information services on the example of GIS Atlas in the field of medical care, banking and trade.... learn more

MLead is a new solution for increasing the efficiency of selling employees

Analytical company Marketing Logic has developed a comprehensive solution for the management of field workers. The service includes five blocks and covers the process of interaction with customers from working with a cold base to concluding a contract and after-sales service.... learn more

The growth of drug consumption in the Russian Federation: interactive map

Marketing Logic has prepared an interactive map based on data from the analytical company AlphaRM, which shows the consumption of medicines in Russia by region. The map allows you to see the average per capita consumption of medicines in packages and rubles for the 1st quarter of 2020 for each subject of the country, the dynamics of sales of drugs in the commercial segment of the pharmaceutical market in comparison with 2019.... learn more

Remote work: survey results

In conditions of self-isolation, many companies in Russia were forced to go online. This affected the organization of work processes. In order to determine how common this is and how flexible a business can be, Marketing Logic conducted a survey on its website that involved more than 100 organizations, mostly clients of the Analytics company-representatives of large businesses.... learn more

Marketing Logic Accelerates Image Upload in Atlas GIS Interface

The analytical company Marketing Logic has expanded the capabilities of the interface of the Atlas geographic information system by updating the module that transmits the image of maps to the user's computer.... learn more

Marketing Logic has implemented a new online version of the Huff gravity model

Marketing Logic analytical company has expanded the Atlas geoinformational system capabilities by updating a module that evaluates the business locations attractiveness based on David L. Huff's retail gravitational theory. The module can be used in the Atlas geoplatform interface and through the API systems to find the most profitable location in terms of attracting visitors.... learn more